Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Colette and Dallin, AKA Marine and Zombie
 The very scary mummy is going to get you!!! This was Ashtonn's second costume as he lost the first!
 The troops go marching  . . .
 Trick or Treat!
 We did not carve this pumpkin. In fact we did not carve a single pumpkin! I thought I should at least include  one in the pictures . . .
 One thing you don't see in the States, homemade baked goods being handed out!
 Colette won first prize in a costume contest and won a big teddy bear.
 Dallin borrowed this from our friends. Love it!
 The annual, dump-the-candy-on-top-of-the-kids-custom! A favorite for all. Afterwards Mom and Dad divide it up and take our 10% candy tax. :)

 We were missing Peanut butter cups this year. Not a single one! But we did get some "Patchi" chocolate and some European chocolate coins.

 We had so much fun with our friends. The kids all looked amazing and we had some yummy chili and cornbread to top it off!
 Watch out! Monster attack! Bennet loved his costume and wore it for several weeks before Halloween.
 Out trick or treating.  I think the holiday is catching on as we saw several locals as well!

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